1500 Live Ladybugs
🐞 Ladybugs feast on both the adult and larval stages of many common garden pests.
🐞 Ladybugs are a must-have for organic gardening or organic farming.
🐞 Ladybug eat insects during both the adult and larval stages, so you can buy ladybugs as adults and continue to have live ladybugs eating through other parts of their life cycle as they reproduce.
📦 Shipped: In a brown paper bag, with holes in bag and box for fresh air, best for the Ladybugs.
Release Tips: Release at dusk around the base of plants, after spraying plants with water, so they can drink. Release near infestations in small amounts over a two-week period. Release Rates: 1,500 ladybugs cover approx.1000 sq. ft.
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